Join our student giving community

Join the thousands of students and alumni in giving back to your school and the place you call home. Make an immediate and lasting impact on your own UCLA experience starting now.

Together, we have strength in numbers.


Give $8 for an 8-clap


Give back $8 for an 8-clap to a program or department that means the most to you. Your gift has an immediate impact on your UCLA experience and the area that you choose to support.

Consider making a gift of $20.19 to invest in this school year and ensure that your favorite aspects of UCLA continue to thrive. Last year, students came together and raised $98,000 to help their fellow Bruins.

Join the Bruin tradition of leadership with a gift of $100. Your gift places you in UCLA’s Chancellor’s Society with additional benefits that include:

  • Access to a personal campus liaison
  • Special networking opportunities
  • Opportunity to attend special Chancellor’s Society events alongside other prominent leadership-level donors